$37.00 USD

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The Ultimate Notary Course: Building a Successful Notary Business

Welcome to California Notary University's Continual Education Course for Notaries throughout the US! Our program offers valuable resources and training that can help you grow your notary business and increase your knowledge in various areas of notary work. With our monthly subscription, you'll have access to:

  • Proven marketing strategies to help you attract more clients and grow your business.

  • Business resources to help you manage your business effectively and efficiently.

  • Mock signings to help you improve your skills and gain confidence in handling real signing appointments.

  • Sample loan packages to help you become familiar with different types of loan documents and their requirements.

  • Commercial real estate training to help you expand your notary services to this lucrative market.

  • Weekly live webinars with industry experts to learn the latest trends, updates, and best practices in the notary industry.

  • Monthly live Q&A sessions to get answers to your specific questions and concerns.

  • Signing service list to help you find potential clients and signing appointments.

  • Business credit 101 to help you establish and build business credit for future growth and expansion.

  • Business certification training, including DBE, SB, WBE, MBE, and LB, to help you stand out in the construction industry and land more contracts.

  • In-person notary meetups to network with other professionals in your area and share best practices

    We are committed to providing you with the tools and resources you need to succeed in your notary business. Sign up today and start your journey towards success!

    Remember, there are no refunds, and no commitment required. You can cancel anytime.

What People Are Saying:

This was really helpful as I'm still new to signings. Thanks for this.


This was worth it and more. I'll definitely watch the replay again and again. Reaching out to my SOS about state specific guidelines for Pay App notarizations. Hope to provide some good news about adding this to my Notary business. No -- Opportunity -- Wasted (NOW) Be blessed. Desiree Johnson

Ms. Johnson

As always, Dominica, I appreciate your candor and willingness to share information. You will definitely being hearing from me soon. Thank you for all you do. Blessings, Desiree Johnson

Ms. Johnson